Spirit Photography
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Here are some tips on capturing ghostly images:

When we go out on a ghost search, we always bring a digital camera as well as a 35MM camera with 400 Speed film and alot of batteries. Make sure that you clean your lenses to avoid getting false positives.

We take 3 shots of everything we photograph with both cameras, then we can compare the shots. Take paper and a pen and record where you are at, time and date in the order you take the pictures to help identify what is in the picture and where it was taken..

Make sure to be completely still when taking the pictures and remove or hold back your camera straps. Camera straps can appear to be a vortex. If you have long hair, pull it back and wear a hat to avoid getting strands of hair in the picture.

If you go to a cemetery, make sure that you are going before dusk before the cemetery closes. If you go at night without permission, you could find yourself with trespassing charges. You could contact the cemetery and ask for their permission for a night visit. It is also very important to be respectful when walking around the cemetery. Don't trespass on private property.

Take a look around the area before yout take pictures for anything that the picture can reflect off of. Avoid direct sunlight, fluorescent lighting, street lights, shiny objects, mirrors, headlights, eternal candles at the cemetery etc.

Take pictures during the day, dusk and a night. We have found that the pictures we've taken at dusk has really shown great activity. A full moon is another great time to take pictures and it seems there is alot more paranormal energy.

Make sure the weather is nice when you take pictures. Rain, pollen, wind, your breath etc can produce false positives in your photography.

Make sure that no one is smoking or has any candles lit.

Bring a cell phone and/or walkie-talkies and flashlights. Its is not recommended to go out alone. Always go with someone and make sure that no one has been drinking or otherwise and most importantly, be respectful.

Have fun and remember to be SAFE!
